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Office Address:
  1717 Simi Town Center Way #7
  Simi Valley, CA 93065
  CalDRE: 01220304
  NMLS: 336940

Rebecca Baumgartner, Broker:
  CalDRE: 00962527
  NMLS: 340837
  p. (805) 501-0407
  f. (805) 577-6208

Glenn Hirschfeld,
Senior Loan Officer

  CalDRE: 00869262
  NMLS: 341473
Loan Apps

To process your loan application, you will need to fill out 5 simple forms. We've made it easy for you by providing these forms online for you to view, print and fax to us.

  1. Loan Application - Please fill out completely.

  2. Fair Lending Notice - Read carefully, sign and return.

  3. Equal Credit Opportunity - Read carefully, sign and return.

  4. Borrower Signature Authorization - Read carefully, sign and return.

  5. Services Disclosures - Read carefully, sign and return.
Please return the completed forms by fax or mail.

Office Address:
   2482 Erringer Rd
   Simi Valley, CA 93065
   Fax: (805) 577-6208

Our loan processing staff will notify you should anything further be necessary to complete the loan file. If you have any questions or desire assistance, please feel free to contact our office. Our knowledgeable and courteous staff will make every effort to efficiently process your loan application.

Need help? Call us (805) 501-0407

To view each form, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. This program allows you to read thousands of documents on the Web. Download it FREE now and return here when done.

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